Exclusion of liability

References and links

Our services may contain third party links and references to internal services. We would like to point out, that we can have no influence on their contents and take over therefore no warranty. Only the third-party provider is responsible for its website. We have however at the time of linking or reference websites third parties on possible obvious violations checked and no such can determine. As an ongoing review of linked Internet sites is not possible and also not reasonable, we can respond only on concrete evidence. As soon as a violation of the law is known to us, we will immediately remove such links or references.

Your own content

We are responsible for our own content as a service provider. We have created these with great care, but can assume any liability for the completeness and timeliness. There is no obligation to monitor transmitted or stored foreign information or to any circumstances which point to an illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to the general laws remain unaffected. A liability is only possible from the date of knowledge of a concrete infringement. With become known from suitable law breakings we will immediately remove these contents.

Data protection

If personally identifiable information (like name, address, E-Mail address) necessarily must be collected please refer to our privacy policy. We try as far as possible, to allow the use of our site without providing personal information.

Unsolicited sending of advertising

The data published by us in the framework of the imprint obligation represent no implied consent to the sending or delivery of advertising. We ask expressly refrain from sending unsolicited advertising and reserve a prosecution for infringement.
